HighCastle of Geek

​A blog/journal about my life and the stuff I like. Popular subjects include music, guitars, gear, books, movies, video games, technology, humor.

Filtering by Tag: Dogs

The Hits Just Keep On Coming

My late December medical misadventures had mostly resolved only to be replaced by dental shenanigans. I’ve had some long neglected issues that I put off because they weren’t painful and I didn’t want to fork over hundreds or more likely thousands of dollars for what was mostly just an annoyance.

Whelp, as in the past, once a nerve root gets fully exposed even the most stalwart would likely put pain reduction over pocketbook. I’ve had both a broken tooth and crown (on separate teeth) for several years, but within the last month I had a cavity in my right upper first bicuspid (I think) which revealed itself when a cute little portal opened up in the bottom. Portals can be useful things, especially if they go to magical kingdoms or take you planetside, but they are less desirable in one’s chompers.

I scheduled a dental exam with a new clinic (it was the previous clinic, Monarch, that had soured both my wife and I from going for so long), and at the time time of the exam I wasn’t yet in a great deal of pain. Fast forward to three days ago and the pain started ramping up. It got bad enough that it woke me up at midnight on Thursday/Friday and I contacted the clinic requesting a same day/walk in appointment.

The clinic is normally closed on Friday, and additionally, Dr. Nguyen who performs the root canals is supposed to be on maternity leave, but they were willing to come into the clinic and take care of my problem. The procedure went smoothly and my only discomfort was due to bladder distension (don’t drink the coffee, you’ll soil yourself) (if you know that reference you’re old too). I had essentially no dental or oral pain once I was numbed up.

Once the anesthesia started to wear off yesterday and into last night the pain came back and was almost the same severity although the quality of the pain had changed since the nerve had been removed. Now the pain was spread over several teeth and also affected my mucosa. My face has swollen up to the point it looks like I’ve got a big chew in. I just need to throw on my baseball uniform and commence to spittin’.

Nothing has really touched the pain except for warm compresses and some Orajel cream that I had same-dayed (totes a word) this morning. Unfortunately it only seems to last about an hour when the recommended dosing schedule is 6 hours. Dosing schedule be damned until this pain and swelling start to decline.

I hope the succession of medical to dental chicanery was just random chance and not a sign of a larger problem. Meaning, it’s not typical for me to have big flare ups when I have injuries or illness. The shoulder/chest whatever it was accelerated above and beyond any notable triggers. Maybe there was something there that no one including my various providers or myself have been able to sus out. Maybe my immune system is getting more persnickety as I get older. I hope not.

This dental episode isn’t too removed from previous, although the severity has been higher not to mention the facial swelling which I’ve not had in the past. It was noted that I had a few elevated inflammatory markers during the shoulder/chest extravaganza (ESR, CRP), but these are non-specific and don’t clarify the source. I’m curious if they would be similarly elevated during this dental episode. As often happens, the diagnostic studies raise more questions than they provide answers.

Hopefully this dental shindig will start winding down and I can return to the regularly scheduled programming. It’s ironic because I had made several upgrades and fixed multiple issues in both my video studio and drum rooms, but I’ve been unable to enjoy them fully due to the pain and discomfort.

I should also mention that our girls have been very sweet in noting my discomfort. They are always quick to realize when their humans are distressed or in pain, and they adjust their behavior. Instead of negotiating (begging, harassing, etc.) for treats, walks, or playtime, they typically just lay down somehere near us and give us companionship without bothering us otherwise. Even Nynaeve, who is by far the most insistent for playtime, etc. has been following her sister’s lead and just staying close without asking for anything. Of course Aeyong is perpetually on the spot to give help or comfort when I’m in pain. I mostly deal with it myself, but her willing assistance is always appreciated.

The Darkest Day

Yesterday, after a very brief illness, we said goodbye to our sweet girl April. A week ago today, we had a nice normal day, went for a morning walk, and she was eating and behaving as she always has. As the next few days passed, her appetite began to wane until by Sunday, she had effectively stopped accepting food. Anyone who knew April would see this was completely out of character. I worked this last weekend, and as is usual, on those days I typically fed them their dinner. On Saturday night, she initially wouldn’t approach her food bowl. Only after I placed some of her food in my hand and held it out did she try eating it, probably mostly out of instinct. But, she wasn’t able to finish the bowl. We knew something was wrong. Aeyong later told me she had thrown up her breakfast. She became more lethargic and listless over the following days, and by Sunday we were already talking about taking her to the Vet. We decided to watch and nurse her overnight and then make a decision in the morning.

It was only a few days ago, but I can’t remember if she came into the kitchen when I woke up. Usually, April was the first to come out when the lights came on. I’m fairly sure she did on Sunday, but wouldn’t accept food and only drank some water. I can’t remember if she did on Monday, I think I may have had to find her. I went to my office and was looking at same day appointment options. There weren’t any I could find other than the emergency Vet. I was able to use the Vet Chat feature from Banfield, and after a brief exchange, their recommendation was getting her evaluated acutely, as labs and imaging would likely reveal the problem. This was my thinking beforehand, so we decided to take her to the Animal Emergency Hospital in Mansfield.

She was taken in and evaluated by Dr. Paules, and the first step was lab work. All of the steps were discussed up front in regards to cost and getting our approval before they were performed. It’s a necessary step, and honestly it was good to just get it settled and out of the way up front, knowing that we would hopefully get an answer. I had been looking at Yelp reviews of the facility, and most of them were positive. All the complaints I saw seemed to stem from the cost. As those online reviews go, the dissatisfied typically post reviews much more often than the satisfied. I can’t imagine there’s a price I would balk at to save one of my children’s lives. It’s hard to even have an opinion about the cost. It didn’t seem unreasonable and we almost certainly would have paid whatever was required to get an answer. We were told it would be about an hour, so we said we would drive home and wait for her answer, since we could come back within fifteen minutes.

We got a call about thirty minutes later, and the labs were mostly normal, only showing some anemia and slightly decreased renal function. Dr Paules related that her anemia would likely worsen with rehydration as they had to give her some IV fluids. We had been trying regularly to help her over to the water bowl and she would sometimes drink, but sometimes just stare as if she wasn’t sure what to do or just couldn’t stomach trying to swallow water. Aeyong was regularly giving her water by syringe and she had been trying extra hard to prepare some bland liquid food that April would accept and be able to keep down. It was a struggle for April, but she was able to swallow a bit of water and liquid food every few hours. Despite this, she was still not getting an adequate intake of fluids.

Dr Paules recommended imaging as the next step in evaluating her issue, and wanted to start with the abdomen. She predicted it would be about thirty minutes before she would call us with the results. It was around an hour later that she called and said April’s abdomen looked okay, but she had noticed something off about the fringe of her chest, which wasn’t completely imaged with the abdominal x-ray series. She ordered a chest series and it was there she discovered a tumor in April’s lung. Based on its size and shape, it was most likely cancer. She also had a noticeably enlarged heart with a pericardial effusion (liquid filling the sac that surrounds the heart), which was making her heart work much harder to beat and making it more difficult to get oxygen to her tissues.

As soon as I heard the word tumor, I knew that this was a terminal diagnosis for April. Dr Paules predicted that the definitive treatment would have to be a partial lobectomy, a highly invasive type of surgery. From what I know of this surgery in humans, they would have to crack her chest, separating her sternum and ribs to get access to her lungs. Even with this, the nature of lung cancer is that by the time it becomes symptomatic and is identified, it’s more than likely that the cancer has had time to metastasize given how highly vascularized the lungs are. Even if the lobectomy was “successful” and April survived, she would likely need chemotherapy and it would only be extending her lifespan temporarily, maybe only for a few months at best.

April was fourteen, so she was already in the predicted end of lifespan for cocker spaniels, which is typically 12-15 years. I didn’t clarify, but it’s possible Dr Paules noted that she had cardiomegaly/LVH that was present before she deteriorated, presumably in large part due to the lung cancer. From our observation, she hadn’t shown any significant changes in behavior up until her rapid decline. The more I think about it though, there was a walk last week, and I’m not sure if it was her last walk on Thursday or the day or two before that, that she was not quite as energetic as usual. April would always be in the lead and darting back and forth to follow her nose. This day she was hanging back more, and just looked slightly less interested. She wasn’t struggling to breathe that I noticed, she just didn’t seem as interested in the walk, which is something that we’ve seen in all of our pets occasionally, but it’s always been a temporary, fleeting behavior.

Maybe this change was the first real evidence that something was off, although Aeyong says she was noticing things even before then. Aeyong had mentioned that April looked like she was having a seizure earlier in the week, I’m not sure what day, maybe Sunday or Monday. This didn’t immediately concern me because all of our dogs have exhibited seizure like activity on one or two rare occasions for reasons unknown, but the seizures never persisted. With April, it had been several years since the last time as far as we could remember, probably at least five if not ten. I’m not even really sure I had witnessed a seizure in April, I can only remember Lucy having one and Bridget had a few right at the end.

Our decision to let April go was based on the realization that her time was fleeting. Sadly, her life as it had been for fourteen idyllic years, had already passed before our eyes. Once she declined, she wasn’t likely going to make it back to her old self, and the thought of putting her through such an invasive surgery followed by chemotherapy was untenable. We already know from experience how devastating chemotherapy can be, it’s the medical equivalent of an atomic bomb. If dogs could understand these choices and communicate their desires, I wouldn’t hesitate to accept their wishes. But, we can’t ask these questions and it’s hard to know if dogs truly understand death. Certainly, dogs understand when one of them is gone and I’m sure all of our dogs remember their sisters and miss them. I just don’t know that they have a real grasp of dying and how it’s a natural part of life.

All we can be relatively certain about April is that she knew she was suffering, and she probably didn’t understand why. She would stare into our eyes, and it seemed like there was just a question or plea for help in them. For our dogs, we have been everything to them (and they to us). They look to us for shelter, food, love, protection, companionship. April knew she was hurting and she probably didn’t understand why Mommy and Daddy just couldn’t make it better. It kills me to write that, but it’s probably all that her simple mind could form. That is why we had to make the decision to let her go. It’s the hardest decision we’ve ever had to make, by far. Nothing has compared to the pain of losing our daughters, nothing. I’m sure I’ve posted about it before. Losing my parents and grandmother was sad, and I missed them and regretted the time lost and mourned for what could have been. But, losing my dogs has been tearing a part of my soul out of me. It’s the same for Aeyong.

The decision mostly depends on when our dogs are suffering. When they reach a point in their lives where most of their time is spent hurting in some way, I try to understand what my frame of mind would be in their situation. Our dogs have always been happy, affectionate, playful, active, and just a source of energy and joy in our lives. Lucy, Bridget, and April all went through a change in personality, whether it was a slow change over months, or a rapid change over a few days like with April. When they are no longer their happy self, I can’t accept that they are in pain. It’s largely based on what I said before, we have no way to ask them what they want, but if the sum of their days are largely suffering, I want them to be without pain and so I know I must let them go. Keeping them around just prolongs their suffering and it’s likely only for our benefit and not theirs.

Aeyong has expressed regret and sorrow for how Lucy and Bridget passed on. Both of their lives had deteriorated and they were no longer themselves. With Lucy, she was declining for a few years, and it ultimately got to the point where it was obvious she was no longer herself. Lucy was always the sweetest, and most affectionate companion. Just like April was Momma’s shadow, Lucy was Daddy’s girl. Near the end, nothing seemed to make her happy. For most of her life, she would soak up attention. She would just stare into your eyes and snuggle with you as if she wanted nothing else in life. At the end, she didn’t respond to attention any more, and the only real activity she would show was when there was food, but even eating seemed like she was just going through the motions.

With Bridget, she declined over a matter of a few weeks. She had a mass on her abdomen that was starting to affect her breathing and energy levels. It then led to a change in her personality, where she would just stare and seem unresponsive. She then started to go into the backyard and just start digging at all hours of the night, and you couldn’t get her to stop or respond to you. She wouldn’t come when called and would struggle if you tried to stop her digging. At this point she ceased to be the Bridget we had known for fifteen years, just like her sister Lucy. Could more have been done? Maybe. My problem with pursuing more treatment is that I feel that their quality of life is never going to get back like we want. That’s a feeling and not objective fact. I can’t argue that it’s not possible something could have been done, but at the time I didn’t think we would have extended their quality of life for a reasonable amount of time considering what the treatment needed to be. I look at that decision as a mistake on my part. We could have possibly learned more about her and at least confirmed that her condition wasn’t treatable before going forward. I know Aeyong regrets this, but any of the blame lays on me and not her.

My wish will always be that my dogs don’t suffer. So, the decision with April was that because her condition was more than likely terminal, we could only prolong the inevitable. A small note about lung cancer - I’ve been the original provider for at least one case in the past that I remember, and it was during PA school. We had a middle aged male come into the ER for shortness of breath and chest pain, and plain chest x-rays revealed several lung masses. I had to break the news to him and his wife that although we couldn’t confirm it yet, it was likely lung cancer. As I recall, it was lung cancer and he died within a few months. There are some predictable features to lung cancer that can be seen on plain films, and I’m assuming that Dr Pauels is experienced enough that she was correct in her predicted diagnosis.

We discussed our options and we just wanted to know if it was possible we could have a little more time to say goodbye. Dr Pauels said it was hard to predict how she would respond, but a course of steroids and anti-emetics might help her to breathe a bit easier and regain enough appetite to get her to eat for a few days. She stressed it was only temporary and that she would succumb sooner rather than later. We accepted this plan and they gave her some more IV fluids as well as given her some subcutaneous rehydration that I assume was expected to resorb over a few days. She was given IV steroids and anti-emetics in the clinic and we took her home with oral prednisone and anti-emetic.

That was Monday morning, and we got her back home a bit before noon. We just spent the rest of that day/night and Tuesday right by her side. Other than showering and preparing meals, one of us was right by her side continuously until the end. I slept with her Monday and Tuesday night. We initially tried to get her to sleep between us in bed, but she started getting overheated fairly quickly, so I carried her down to the floor where it was cooler and let her crawl up on her favorite pillow. Periodically I would carry her over to the water bowl and she would sometimes drink, but would sometimes just stand and stare as if she was unsure what to do or didn’t have any energy. I carried her into the back yard and a few times she would pee, but she would often just stand and several times she would eventually turn around and try to come back inside.

As far as we could tell, she was still lucid. She would lift her head and look around if one of us wasn’t with her, or if there was a noise in the kitchen or our other girls were barking at something. On Tuesday morning she was laying on her favorite spot on the couch, and her head was facing outside. She suddenly raised her head and was looking at the back fence, and it was there I saw one of our neighborhood squirrels. She was still aware and her natural instinct as a sporting dog was still there. She just didn’t have the energy to run outside. We’re sure she knew we were there and that we loved her. We couldn’t fix her, but we never stopped loving her.

The medical interventions only seemed to be delaying the inevitable. Her breathing had become more labored on Monday and this remained an issue through Tuesday. At times it would be ever so slightly better, but she never stopped breathing rapidly and at times she was using all the muscles in her torso to draw breath, always seeming to be starving for oxygen. That’s why on Tuesday I made sure to discuss it with Aeyong that we really needed to accept her passing and let her leave this suffering. I called Tuesday to clarify that AEHM could perform the service and find out whether Dr Paules was available. She was working Wednesday but not Thursday, so we decided it would be Wednesday morning. We also decided to do it relatively early so that we could just have an hour or two after waking up but then could just let her go without prolonging it.

She laid on the couch in her favorite spot as a beautiful orange sunrise poked over the top of our back fence. It was a cloudy day, but there was sliver of clear sky to let the sunlight come through. I don’t know if she saw it, but she was facing the sunrise in her final hours. Aeyong had given her the nausea medication just to hopefully help her feel a bit better, and I was able to get her to drink some water from her bowl. I had to hold her up though, her legs were to weak to stand on the tile floor. I carried her outside and she was able to shakily remain standing and she eventually peed. She was so weak that she just sat down on the ground to go, she wasn’t able to hold her butt up off the ground. It’s hard to know what she was thinking, but she kept on fighting until the end, she just ran out of gas.

Aeyoung brought her favorite blanket and a shirt of Aeyong’s and mine so it would smell like home. Aeyong held her close as we drove to the clinic. April would normally get a bit of anxiety whenever we drove anywhere, because most of the time it was the Vet, and like most dogs, she was never a big fan. On this last drive, she didn’t appear to have the energy to get very upset, but she did hold her head up and look around at other cars and the people inside. Once we got to the clinic, they were able to bring her in within a few minutes. I had to pass her off to one of the Vet techs, but after filling out some paperwork and paying for the procedure, they brought us back to a room and a few minutes later April was brought back to us.

She had looked slightly distraught going inside, but she seemed to calm down once she was back with us in the room. They had placed an IV port with a syringe, presumably filled with saline. They made a point to tell us that there was no medication in the syringe yet, which I’m assuming may have been an issue with people in the past. I knew the Vet would have to make the injection based on our approval. They would have given us all the time we needed, but after spending several minutes with her we decided it was best just to let her go. No matter whether we were there or not, she wasn’t going to completely settle down given her condition and being in a strange place. Dr Paules came in shortly and let us know that she would get a sedative first, and that would be followed by what I presume was potassium chloride to stop her heart. The sedative put her to sleep and her breathing seemed to slow down slightly. The sedative was a clear liquid, but the medication was a pinkish color, and I seem to remember that was the case when we had to let Lucy and Bridget go, although my memory is a bit fuzzy.

A few seconds passed and then April’s chest stopped moving. Her spirit took flight and she was free of pain. We love her more than life itself and we’ll never let her leave our hearts. We love you our sweet baby April. You were the best girl we’ve ever had and we hope to see you again. Give a kiss to Lucy and Bridget and find a place to play. Chase those squirrels and rabbits until you’re tired and then rest. Get plenty to eat and sleep all you want. We’ll save up our kisses, hugs and scritches for you. Until we meet again.

Spring Has Sprung

In Texas, at least. After a slow start, it appears all of our trees, most of our shrubs and the lawn are making a full recovery from Snowmageddon ‘21. Our biggest tree, the one out front which was planted when they built the house, was probably the slowest to sprout buds. For awhile, I had serious concerns that it didn’t make it through the four day hard freeze back in February. Thankfully, it finally began to display some buds and eventually a full complement of leaves to get that good ‘ole photosynthesis jam going. By current estimates, it’s mainly some potted plants that appear to have met their demise. We have a few shrubs that look dead to me, but Aeyong is optimistic that by cutting them down to their base we’ll encourage some new growth from the roots. We’ll see. If they don’t recover, shrubs are easy enough to replace.

In that horticultural vein, I’ve taken a bit more interest in getting the yard in good trim. I apologize, that wasn’t intended as a pun, but now it is, so there. You’re welcome. We haven’t really gone to any great lengths with our yard, other than regular mowing and seasonal fertilization and occasional seeding. The front has remained pretty thick and healthy, but the backyard has some bare patches, including one large swath of dirt in the back corner. I’m going to try de-thatching and scarifying with, you guessed it, our new de-thatcher/scarifier. Hopefully it will clear up a lot of dead grass and leaves and open up the soil to allow more root growth and nutrient/water transfer where it’s needed. Along with that, I’ve got a big bag of Humic DG which is supposed to enhance nutrient absorption and improve soil structure. It’s a bunch of small spherical granules that disperse into the soil, some of which immediately break down into humic and fulvic acid, combining with essential nutrients and persisting in the soil to allow plant absorption for extended periods of time. The humate portion remains even longer, thereby further extending that nutrient cycle.

I’ve seen a few customer testimonials and just Humic DG alone can make a big difference to yards, plants, and larger agricultural applications. My plan is to de-thatch, scarify, mow up the detritus (I have so few opportunities to use that word, so back off), and then lay down probably half the 40 pound bag of Humic. I’ll be seeding and fertilizing in the near future, but I do want to give the yard a little time to recover so I’ll probably wait a few days to a week to do that. Not everyone recommends seeding in the spring, but our bare patches definitely need it. I probably need to get some peat moss to mix with the seed. Although it probably sounds like I’ve gone all 4H (when I was in school it was all farm kids, I’m probably showing my age), but I really just want a nice green lawn that I can maintain. I don’t want to spend a great deal of additional time keeping it in shape. Hopefully some well timed interventions will get it ready for summer.

In other developments, I got my second COVID vaccination last Wednesday, and the side effects were slightly worse, I suppose. The arm soreness was about the same, but I think I felt some more systemic effects this time. It’s a bit hard to tell because the day of the vaccination I also ran (a modified attempt at resumption that was triggered by the broken elliptical) and scalped the lawn. Scalping the lawn (and bagging the clippings) is something that’s useful to do 1-2 times per year based on the advice I’ve seen. It’s somewhat like de-thatching, I suppose. In my yard’s case, it takes considerably more effort to push the mower across high spots in the ground. All that to say, the additional fatigue I felt the day after was probably a combination of the vaccination and the physical efforts of the day before. I also woke up around midnight feeling febrile, but didn’t bother checking my temperature. I just took a gram of Tylenol every six hours for the first day or so and things slowly got better. As I’ve said, eminently better than getting sick with COVID.

Things at work are going well. I’ve worked in the new location the last two weekends, and it’s a nice setting. Essentially the same drive as before with the last two miles being on surface streets. VES has been keeping me gainfully scheduled, one weekend at a time. My no-show rate has dropped a bit, down to only 15% of the last two weekends. I’ve been averaging about $2500 per weekend, which is okay. I’ve been hoping to maintain closer to $3K per weekend, for a monthly total of $12K. Based on how they’ve been filling my schedule (partially) and the no-show rate, I’m not sure that’s achievable with only a two day workweek. At least it’s adequate for our financial goals of paying the house off slightly faster and maintaining a discretionary income. I only want to work enough for those two criteria, as I really value my free time.

Back to homefront matters, Aeyong is recovering fairly well. She had her cast removed the week before last, and she’s jumped back in to her normal routine. Maybe a bit too hard because she’s got some wrist swelling today and will need to rest a bit. She’s been catching up on several things she wanted to accomplish including trimming and bathing all the girls. She also has been out in the yard working, and this weekend she decided to help me out by dusting and cleaning the bathrooms upstairs. That was a nice surprise because it had been nagging me for several weeks and I had been too busy with regular work and work around the house. Still, she’s probably paying for the uptick in activity right now.

I’ve been trying to improve the garage layout the last few weeks to coincide with efforts in the yard. I installed some overhead storage shelves and moved the treadmill and elliptical all the way back against the wall. Not a huge change, but the added floor space has been nice. We took the vertical shelves that were previously on the back wall and moved them into the laundry room, giving us some more storage space in there. We had a little half shelf in the laundry room before, and now that has moved to the garage as a rolling storage cart for our air compressor and shop vac. I’ll eventually install another identical set of overhead shelves in the other garage slot and hopefully free up another section of the floor. Eventually I want to have a rolling workbench with some good working tools - table saw, miter saw, router, and maybe a few other tools depending on how things develop. I’m going to try to ease into woodworking, but I already have all sorts of ideas for projects. I don’t know if it’s just a natural part of aging, or a genetic thing I get from my father. He was definitely a DIYer at his core. Nature, nurture, or perhaps a bit of both?

After all this fairly mundane material, I haven’t stopped pursuing my core disciplines, although there have been more days “off” when I was working at VES or had my time manhandled by DIY, medical, etc. issues. I finished a Premiere Pro course, and I’ve just started a Photoshop course. I also signed up for a basic piano course, mostly to cover some fundamentals that I know I’ve been lacking. I’ve really only slowly learned songs and then just spent my time practicing them, but I haven’t spent any considerable time at learning scales, improvisation and some of the basic skill set I need if I want to advance further. The same could be said for my other disciplines as well. I’m alternating my drumming practice between Mike Michalkow’s course and trying to learn Xanadu for the eventual Rush AFTK deep dive video. Check back next year, probably. Then there’s also bass, guitar, singing, drawing, writing, learning to speak/read/write Korean. Not to mention maintaining my CMEs for work. The days are just packed, and that’s how I like it.

A Few Milestones

Today marks nine years since my retirement from the Army, and it’s been overwhelmingly positive in retrospect. I got a good job, moved back home, and have spent a significant amount of time furthering my development as a musician, songwriter, and producer. There have been ebbs and flows over these years, some times of drama, but mostly a nice steady arc to the days. We got a great house six years ago, and I’ve been enrolled at Berklee Online for the past several years. Aeyong has turned our yard and house into a natural conservatory of sorts, and we’ve got a beautiful green space that envelops our house and will only shelter us further with time. We lost Bridget to the inevitable march of time, but have since welcomed Skittles, our Chihuahua mix and resident spoiled princess of the brood.

I spent about five and half years working the regular grind as a federal employee, but about two and a half years ago I switched to “Fee Basis” which is somewhat equivalent to a contractor, but without the contract. I get paid directly for the work and there’s no ongoing agreement or contract that binds either the VA or myself. That being said, our clinic has had Fee Basis examiners the entire time I’ve been there and long before as far as I know. That switch is probably the single biggest improvement in quality of life I’ve ever experienced, even compared to my retirement from the Army. I went from working full time to working nine days a month and earning twice as much. This is largely predicated by my ability to perform a large number of exams and handle complex cases that the regular federales don’t like to bother with. It’s really been a perfect storm of an employment situation for me.

I’ve had significantly more time to work on my various passions, and I’ve added filmmaking, video editing, video effects, drawing, and writing to the multitude of musical disciplines that provide great fulfillment and purpose to my life. As part of the added boon of income, we’ve been paying our mortgage off at more than triple the required amount, and so we’re hopefully going to see it paid off in the next two years, about twenty two years ahead of schedule. There’s one big milestone that we need to pass, and that’s another salary waiver approval for Fee Basis employees. The VA has been allowing Fee Basis to earn double their normal authorized annual salaries due to shortages of personnel and it’s been a policy that’s required renewal every two years. This year marks the end of a two year period, so we just need one more approval. By all signs it should happen because the VA has been one of the departments that’s seen expansion under the last several administrations.

Once the house is paid off, I intend to keep working at about the same rate I do now, but being completely debt free will put us in a position where we could probably survive without me working at all. I like the extra security of financial surplus, not to mention discretionary income, so I imagine I’ll keep working indefinitely, albeit on the reduced schedule which will eventually decrease even further. A lot more has happened over the last nine years - we’ve both passed fifty and it’s receding below the horizon, we’ve attended a lot of great concerts, and taken a few small trips. We plan to travel more once the house is paid off, although we’re limited by our dogs and some health issues. It can also be argued we’re both home bodies who really enjoy living in our own little world.

File under short term milestone, I’ve quit practicing any musical instruments for the past month, trying to get this chronic elbow tendonitis to fade away. It’s been in the left elbow for almost two years, and the right elbow started acting up a few months ago. It’s just the cumulative effect of playing so many different instruments - guitar, bass, drums, keyboards. It got worse when I bought acoustic drums and had been working on my double stroke by repetitively practicing the stick bounce off the drum head. That shock is transferred directly to my lateral elbow and it really has taken its toll. The problem with the elbows is that we’re constantly using them, and even something as trivial as picking up a coffee cup or tearing a piece of paper can tweak the injury. I have seen some improvement in the symptoms, so I’m hoping to start gradually re-introducing some practice to my schedule starting next month.

One benefit of the extra time is that I rekindled my interest in drawing and writing (which have been gathering dust for years) and I’ve made some progress, although I have a long way to go. I look forward to combining all my various disciplines into great storytelling in the future.


Before welcoming in the new year (albeit 2 days late), I wanted to give a nod to 2011. 2011 was a good year. Not necessarily a GREAT year, but essentially good on most days, which earns an overall good rating.

The year started with us in Killeen and no immediate or even medium term plans to move or change anything that substantial in our lives. I had just started working for MEB at Ft Hood and by the end of January I knew I couldn't last long term in that position. The highlights of the year were my subsequent decision to seek new employment, and I began looking primarily in the D/FW area with the intent to relocate. Ultimately this culminated in my finding, applying, and getting hired for a Comp & Pen position with the VA at their new FW outpatient clinic.

We put our house on the market and Aeyoung was very fortuitous in finding a home to rent that was not only convenient to work, but very suitable from a layout standpoint and pet friendly. Besides the upheaval of the move and a couple of months of not collecting a regular paycheck in the summer (and the resulting red on the bank ledger), the year otherwise proceeded as normal.

On the family front, Aeyoung and I celebrated our 21st anniversary in April and just continued to happily share each other's lives with our 3 furry children. Our most recent addition continues to attempt to exert her dominance as the favorite. It's funny how smaller dogs seem to have Napoleon complexes.  I incrementally improved at playing guitar and keyboards, continued to run, and near the end of the year I began studying Korean again, although a little more in earnest this time. Hey, better late than never, you know the old saying. 

Onward to 2012. Aeyoung asked me the other day what my new year's resolutions were going to be. I usually have a significant reassessing of my physical fitness at this time of year, so she's used to me swearing off alcohol and fast food and committing myself to exercise. The good news is that I have been a consistent runner for the past two years and this really hasn't changed. The only ironic event is that I did a number on my right calf in mid december when I was out for one of my pre-marathon long runs. This resulted in my not being able to run for the last two weeks of the year, and now I almost feel as if I am starting a new year's resolution by returning to running. I managed to run 1195 miles last year which is okay.

I had 3 significant down periods due to illness and injury, but this last one has been the longest. I'm hoping I can get my weekly average up to a consistent 30 miles or so, although this means I'll have to run 15 miles on the weekend unless I add an extra weekday. My long term goal is still to run a marathon, but this is the second train up in which I've suffered a significant injury setback that essentially has derailed my plan near the end. I think I will need to reassess my general approach to running/fitness and include some muscular strength and flexibility traning to supplement my running/cardio. I also think about 10-20% weight loss may do alot to minimize the injuries. 

Along those lines I'm going to have to commit to less junk food and alcohol (this is really only a weekend phenomena), and start to really manage how I fuel my body for general health and for running. I think my plan for now will be only social drinking (in our case that means concerts), and limit the junk food to only one or two meals a week. Aeyoung will cook this kind of food more often just from a convenience standpoint, so that means I will probably have to step in a help with some of the food preparation. 

Our financial goals for 2012 are fairly simple. Keep doing what we're doing, but do it better. Get the red off the ledger book that was necessitated by the relocation (and is harder to overcome currently because we're paying rent and a mortgage at the same time). The most important objective for the year would be to sell our house in Killeen, although it's hard to gauge how reasonable a goal that is. We will pay a tax penalty of 8K if we sell before August, so right now we're not being aggressive in our pricing.

That will most likely change if we haven't sold by then. Once we can sell that house, our financial goals will be centered on our eventual home purchase in the D/FW area. That's a 2013 and beyond goal. The eventual home purchase will hopefully be our last. We're hoping to get at least a one acre homesite in a planned development that will protect us from urban sprawl in the long term and allow us to stay in that one home indefinitely. We're looking to settle in the Mansfield/Arlington/Grand Prairie area. This will get us a little closer to the middle of D/FW while keeping my work commute to a manageable timeframe. 

My other 2012 goals center on continued learning and development. I want to continue studying Korean, at least every weekday like I have been striving to do. I'll probably start trying to either read some comic books or watch the occasional television program with Aeyoung. I haven't developed my comprehension and vocabulary enough yet for those to be possible. 

In music, I'm going to commit to two initial goals. Learn at least one complete song by ear per month, and compose at least one complete song per month. To learn a complete song by ear, I'm going to start with something a little more simple and approachable like Led Zeppelin or equivalent. I know bits and pieces of many tunes, but I've been dependent on tablature for the bulk of all songs I've ever learned. I've figured out countless riffs and chunks of tunes, but I haven't forced myself to sit down and learn a complete song from start to finish. It's definitely an easier task now than it was when I first learned guitar. The software tools available make it about as easy as possible. I just need to do the work. I'll build up to harder material once I have several complete songs under my belt. 

On the compositional front, my goal is to have a completed song with all instruments, arrangement, orchestration, production, etc. completed every month. I haven't decided yet if I'll make completely new songs from scratch, although that is the way I'm leaning. I have ordered a small two octave keyboard controller to keep at my main desk to help with the songwriting. As a guitarist I find it easy enough to write riffs while I'm playing my guitar, but I think the keyboard will handle the bulk of the overall compositional duties since I can not only write/play melody and chords, but it's also my only interface for drums, bass and synths. 


Back from Vegas

We're back home. My thoughts on the trip are to be in a later post. Puppy update: we have decided to name our new puppy April instead of eclipse. We both agreed that we had kind of a regular name theme going with our other dogs (Lucy & Bridget) and we thought eclipse was not only too masculine, but that it sounded more like a name for a sportscar.

A New Addition to the Family

we chose our newest family member a few days ago, a black & white cocker spaniel puppy that is 9 weeks old. We will pick her up after we get back from vacation, and we can't wait. She's adorable (aren't they all?) and she'll be a welcome addition to our family. We're thinking of calling her Eclipse. Aeyong thought of the name and since it's both appropriate for her coloring and the name of a cool Pink Floyd song, I thought it would work well.