HighCastle of Geek

​A blog/journal about my life and the stuff I like. Popular subjects include music, guitars, gear, books, movies, video games, technology, humor.

Musical developments

I've been practicing with the bass and I'm slowly adapting my fingers to it, the right hand being the bigger challenge. I could have made it much easier on myself by just using a pick, but my favorite players (not counting Chris Squire) primarily use fingers and I think it ultimately gives you more options. I've also noticed that it has given the added bonus of increased strength and dexterity for my piano playing. And I need all the help I can get.

I was supposed to jam with Chris yesterday but he had to postpone due to illness. Hopefully we can make our jam sessions a regular thing in the future. I've also gotten several contacts on Bandmix and I'm trying to decide whether to pursue those opportunities in the short term or to practice my stagecraft and gigging ability a bit longer. I'm leaning toward the latter since I haven't really focused on getting individual songs completely gig ready, as in I can play these songs standing up all the way through including solos as if I was playing a gig.

My goal is to go into any band or gigging situation fully prepared and in control of my playing and stagecraft. I know that's probably the musical equivalent of combat operation orders, since they are valid until first contact with the enemy. I'm not calling the audience the enemy, mind you, I just mean that I won't truly be prepared for live gigging until I actually do it and get that experience. That being said, I know the typical songs I want to be prepared to play will need some more work before I really throw my name out there as available to play.