HighCastle of Geek

​A blog/journal about my life and the stuff I like. Popular subjects include music, guitars, gear, books, movies, video games, technology, humor.

Filtering by Tag: CRPG

A Break for Gaming and then Back to the Grind...

I’ve been neck-deep in Baldur’s Gate III for nearly a month, and I just finished the game earlier this morning. It was one of the most satisfying experiences I’ve had in over forty years of gaming, dating back to the Atari 2600 and the nascent days of online gaming (Compuserve, anyone?) Larian Studios has had an incredible run since Divinity Original Sin I and II and now Baldur’s Gate III. In many ways, it’s the spiritual successor to DOS, with just a different setting.

Larian manages to get you heavily invested in the story of your main character as well as that of your allies. I found myself repeating boss battles that I had won just because one of the key allies had died and was unable to get brought back after the battle’s culmination. In the epilogue, a certain character’s story was drawing to the ultimate conclusion and I found myself overcome with emotion that it was truly over. Thankfully, they left an option open for future DLC or sequels and I’m looking forward to that day although it’s likely years away.

The game isn’t perfect, there are bugs in gameplay and quest lines and some weird NPC reactions to murder versus looting. Murder okay, looters go to jail? Inventory management could also use a big overhaul, but I’m hoping we’ll see those sorts of improvements in future updates. Those small complaints aside, Larian got so many things right. A compelling story and characters, flat-out amazing level design, architecture, modeling, sculpting, animations, VFX, etc. It’s one of those games where you repeatedly pause and just look around at the environment design and how much thought and care went into it.

I’ll be replaying it in the future, the variety of possibilities is essentially endless. I want to put it down after such a heavy time investment and give them time to keep updating it and maybe eventually announce DLC or a planned sequel. As of now, I can’t imagine I’ll want to go back for several months, maybe even a year. But, this feels like one of those games I’ll probably play multiple times over in the coming years.

Gaming news aside, I’ll be back at the grind with Berklee Online for likely my penultimate semester if not my last. I’m not highly motivated to go back, but another semester of housing allowance will get us that much closer to paying off our mortgage by the end of next year. I’m taking Private Guitar Lesson III, Solo Guitar (Performance, Accompaniment, and Arranging), and Game Design Principles. I would prefer to be taking a Blender course over the Game Design but they discontinued it and of the options I have for electives, Game Design was the only interesting one. Maybe I should have gone for the interpretative dance class?

The solo guitar course might be interesting, it’s something I want to get better at, but you never know how these courses are going to be presented. Hopefully, it’s not another theory fire hydrant and regurgitate course like so many of them are. I switched from Shaun Michaud to Norm Zocher for my guitar lessons. Shaun was a good teacher and an amazing guitarist/musician, but I don’t think his style combined with my goals was an ideal mixture. I’ve had a few classes with Norm and really appreciated how laid back and non-pedantic he is about the material. I find his style more conducive to learning, regardless of the material.