HighCastle of Geek

​A blog/journal about my life and the stuff I like. Popular subjects include music, guitars, gear, books, movies, video games, technology, humor.

More Pics from Blessing

Some assorted views about the camp. The first is the view out the back porch of the aid station. The area below is a volleyball court and the wall is the perimeter for the main camp area. Outside the wall is the small flight line where helicopters land and they store fuel and other supplies. 

The second picture is the of the little shop and ANA (Afghan National Army) meeting room which is adjacent to our front door. The shop sells mostly copies of movies and music and assorted electronics. I hear he can get about anything you ask for if you give him a couple of days.  So far I haven't broken down and bought any movies (they're 2$), as we have plenty to watch on our computers and in the aid station.

The third picture is of my living area. Narrow to be sure, but it's actually pretty functional.  The nicest thing about it is it's my own private area and it's part of a room I share with our doctor and platoon leader (both of whom are very good neighbors so it's nice and peaceful).  I have my little sitting area and a place I can play guitar, use my computer, etc. at floor level. My bunk is up high and I've got a small light for bedtime reading.  There are plans in the works to get the local carpenter to build a desk in the back (where the 4 drawer chest is located) and build a frame to keep the bunk up high. Our platoon leader already has this setup, so we should get it eventually but we have to wait for other higher priority projects to get completed.

The last picture is of yours truly during one of those deployment highlights, the opening of a package from home.  Aeyoung sent a bunch of candy and school supplies for the local kids, but she didn't forget about me and included a lot of nice toiletries (awesome towels) and some music and game magazines as well as snacks. Everyone looks forward to the resupply flights that come about every four days in the hopes of getting mail from home.