HighCastle of Geek

​A blog/journal about my life and the stuff I like. Popular subjects include music, guitars, gear, books, movies, video games, technology, humor.

It's Saturday, do you know where your journal entry is?

I’m still endeavoring to make this a daily habit, despite a few hiccups along the way. I have a tendency to get a little task or project stuck in my head that I’m compelled to finish and it ends up commandeering my time to the exclusion of a few normal daily tasks. Yesterday it started with importing the new Metheny album and Rush’s “All the World’s a Stage”, which I finally got on CD after all these years. My sister Dianna had bought the vinyl for me years ago and I still have that, but I didn’t have a version in my digital library. Well, as often happens I noticed a few omissions in the library, which is a “feature” of iTunes I’ve come to notice in the past few years.

Random albums and songs will just disappear from your library for no apparent reason. When you have a library as big as mine, it’s easy to miss for a long time. When I do notice it, and I’m at my computer, I try to rectify the problem right then. I think I’m going to just keep a running log when I notice discrepancies and then fix the omissions when I get time. All that to say, I spent a bit of time yesterday re-importing some albums I’ve had for thirty years, e.g. most of my R.E.M. albums were just missing, no idea why. I’ve also had an issue with my external CD drive where it has an audio drop out on the first imported track of any given album and you get the pleasant digital click, the musical version of nails on chalkboard. I fixed a few of those errors too, but there are still some lingering that I’ll have to deal with as I notice them again. I think I figured out the solution, which is just to skip the auto import function and manually hit the import button on iTunes. I don’t understand why that would make a difference, but it seems to be working.

These sorts of issues can tend to distract, but there are just certain areas of my life that I don’t like to tolerate errors or disorder. It’s funny in that some of my favorite stories involve chaos and disorder, such as Roger Zelazny’s “Amber” and “The Courts of Chaos” or Michael Moorcock’s “Multiverse”, which I’ve been re-visiting via Elric here lately. Some of the best story fodder is just the sort of thing that I can’t stand in my personal life. I don’t consider myself a control freak when it comes to others, I’d just as soon not get involved, but when it comes to my own life I don’t abide others who try to manipulate or control.

That aside, yesterday was a decent day overall. I ticked most of the boxes - exercised, walked the dogs, practiced drums, vocals, guitar, studied Korean and did some drawing in the Ink course. I attempted to make Pizza from scratch (mainly the dough, I didn’t make the other ingredients) and it was marginally successful. The dough rose as expected and the texture was okay, a bit chewy since I used regular flour. I’ve learned that bread flour is necessary for the more crunchy type crust. The other demerit would be for flavor. I think it needed more salt and sugar, it just tasted a bit bland to me. I’m going to experiment with various sauces and toppings in the future. The basic approach to making the dough is straightforward enough and it reminded me of my Mr Jim’s days.

The only negative from yesterday is I didn’t devote much time to writing (again). I’m not deliberately avoiding it, I think I’m still trying to find the ideal daily rhythm that capitalizes on the best time for a certain type of headspace. There’s a general level of mental energy and creative motivation that crosses all those different disciplines, but each has its own unique set of mental, physical, and spiritual (no, I’m not waxing religious here) demands. I find it easy enough to journal this early in the morning because I don’t need to have a particular analytical or methodical mindset, it’s more stream of consciousness than anything. I understand that first story drafts are often written this way as well, and it may eventually become my habit to write earlier in the day. I’ve also got to consider as the warm weather returns to Texas, one big portion of my day (at least an hour-ish) for exercising and walking the dogs must take place in the earlier morning hours. It becomes prohibitively hot after 9 am for a large swathe of the year, generally May to October.

I feel like I’m sort of languishing on guitar here of late. I subscribed to the “Cracking the Code” website, run by Troy Grady who I interviewed a few years ago for a class. Like many of my other classes, I just need to devote the time.

On drums I’ve been starting my practice sessions with the heel-toe kick pedal technique that many metal drummers use, and it’s slowly coming along. Getting the pedals setup just right is an important first step, and I think I’ve got them setup fairly well. At present I’ve just been practicing one foot at a time, and unsurprisingly, the right foot has come along quicker than the left, no doubt due to the left foot being mostly ignored in the time I’ve been playing drums.

I had a brief go at playing both feet together, and there for just a bit I was able to get it running smoothly and suddenly I was starting to sound like a speed metal drummer. It was fun to reach that plateau and realize that progress is being made. I’ve still got a long way to go before this is really under my feet so to speak. I need to be able to quickly transition between this double stroke and the single stroke and to incorporate it into songs as opposed to just isolated practice drills which is where I spend most of my time.

I’ve also slowly been practicing parts of “Anthem” by Rush, and it’s also gradually coming along. Although these milestones are often far away, I look forward to being able to master the entire tune on all three instruments and record a video of my performance. This is what it’s all about, even if purely for my own entertainment. I also hope to incorporate these learned techniques into my own songs. Anywho, enough of my yapping.