HighCastle of Geek

​A blog/journal about my life and the stuff I like. Popular subjects include music, guitars, gear, books, movies, video games, technology, humor.

Filtering by Category: Career

We're Coming Home

I received the offer via HR over the phone, and although it will mean a modest pay cut from my current wage it's still more than I was expecting the VA to offer. I accepted and the paperwork train is leaving the station. I'll have loads of credentialing fun as well as the requisite physical and security checks in the coming weeks. Not to mention dealing with the fall out of my departure from my current position.

Zee job, she has been offered...

I said that in my best impersonation of John Cleese impersonating a frenchman. Oh, and since you'll ask, we already got one.  You know, a grail. Of the holy variety. Annnnnyyyywhhhoooooo, I got the job offer and now my resume goes before the committee and they decide what I'm worth. I'll get the salary offer by the end of next week hopefully. If it's adequate, the lumbering beast that is our worldly possessions and associated accoutrements will begin the journey northward.